Seminare und Veranstaltungen

Termine am Max-Planck-Institut für Stoffwechselforschung oder an kooperierenden Instituten

Joined Science Day of MPI for Biology of Ageing and MPI for Metabolism Research. [mehr]

Talk by Professor Tune Pers, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Deciphering Obesity-Linked Brain Circuits with Genetic and Single-Cell Strategies
Despite significant progress, the neuronal mechanisms that regulate body weight remain incompletely understood. In this presentation, I will highlight our past and ongoing efforts to leverage human genetics data alongside rodent single-cell analyses to uncover molecular processes in the mediobasal hypothalamus and hindbrain that regulate energy homeostasis. [mehr]

Talk by Prof. Kai Markus Schneider, MD, PhD, TU Dresden

Stressing the gut-brain axis
The majority of human diseases involve complex interactions of different cellular and organ systems. Traditional organ-centric pathophysiological models fail to capture these interactions. This talk outlines circuits of organ crosstalk in the gastrointestinal tract with a focus on the gut-liver-brain axis. Recently, we identified the impact of glucocorticoids on enteric glia and neurons and discovered the underlying mechanism that relays psychological stress to the exacerbation of gut inflammation.The talk will highlight new data on the emerging field of neuro-immune interactions and discuss potential implications for IBD. [mehr]
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