Frequently asked questions

How does the registration for study participation work?

After clicking on the registration form, you will be asked to provide your email address so that we can send you a personal registration link. Registration takes about 3-5 minutes and includes providing personal information, such as date of birth, contact details, dominant hand, and health status. The information you provide allows us to determine which studies you are eligible for. After registration, we will use your contact details to invite you to individual studies. Each invitation will describe the exact procedure of the study and possible dates.

Does registration require me to participate in a study?

You do not incur any obligations by filling out our registration form. After registration, we use your contact details to invite you to individual studies. The information you provide helps us select studies suitable for you. Each invitation will inform you about the exact procedure of the respective study and possible dates, and you can decide whether or not you would like to participate. Additionally, you maintain the right to have your data deleted at any time. Please refer to our data protection policy for this.

What can I expect when participating in a study at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research?

Our studies vary in the investigation methods as well as in their duration and number of appointments. At the beginning of each study, we send invitations via email, in which the study is presented in detail. A suitable date for study participation can then be selected from a range of proposed dates.

What investigation methods are there?

The type of investigations vary per study. For example, some studies include measurements in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner or blood samples. In many of our studies, various questionnaires must be filled out. You will be informed in detail about the investigation methods used in the study in the study invitation.

Where do the studies take place?

The examinations take place in Cologne at the Laboratory for Human Imaging in the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research. The laboratory is located in a side part of the Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology of the University Hospital Cologne (House 30, entrance to the University Hospital grounds at the barrier opposite Gleueler Str. 115, 50931 Cologne). You can find the location map of the University Hospital Cologne here:

Will I be compensated?

You will be compensated for your participation in studies. Depending on the study, you will earn 10-15€ per hour which is paid in cash at the institute at the end of the last study appointment.


If you have further questions, our study office is happy to provide you with more information.

Studienbüro MPI für Stoffwechselforschung

Mo bis Fr 9:00-16:00 Uhr
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